
Welcome to St. Patrick School

We believe in the power of education to transform lives and shape character, and guided by the values of truth, beauty, and goodness, we seek to cultivate the intellectual, moral, and spiritual development of our students, equipping them with a solid foundation for a fulfilling and purposeful life.

About Us


Having the mindset and ability to flourish in an ideal environment is a core belief of our system. We individually cater to each and every students needs.


Central to our educational philosophy is the integration of the Catholic faith. We recognize the inherent dignity of every individual as a child of God and seek to instill in our students a deep sense of reverence, respect, and responsibility.


A competent understanding of the world and the foundation required to succeed at St Patrick’s We do everything in our power to prepare our students for the real world.

Classical Education Model

Our classical approach to education allows us to integrate the teaching and virtues that have impacted the generations that have come before us. Our curriculum is rooted in the classical liberal arts, focusing on the grammar and logic portions of the trivium. This comprehensive education nurtures critical thinking, effective communication, and a lifelong love of learning.

Classical Catholic education utilizes the ideology of faith as a baseline in seeking understanding and knowledge through perseverance and dedication. Through these learning conditions, they will be given the opportunity to thrive under the enrichment of the catholic understanding of the world.

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Gala 2024

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Events Calendar

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We invite you to join our St. Patrick Classical School family, where students are guided to think critically, engage deeply with knowledge, and develop a strong moral compass.

Together, we embark on a journey of discovery, exploration, and transformation, preparing our students to become virtuous leaders who will make a difference in the world.